Eyes Natural Cures






The use of alcohol and tobacco is very bad for your eyesight.


Garlic contains the thiamin-boosting ingredient which increases the body’s absorption of B-1 (thiamin) tenfold.  Garlic has a curative effect on eye catarrh and inflammation of the lachrymal (tear) duct.


The common herb Comfrey used as a poultice or tea drinks, seems to possess extraordinary healing powers.  Doctors have used its medicinal extract, allantoin, in cases of stubborn ulcers, burns, and open wounds, with spectacular results, even burns to the eyes.


Many cases of near blindness have been helped by nerve massage.  For eye weakness, massage the pads of the base of the second and third fingers on both hands, left hand for left eye, and right hand for right eye.  Pressure on the ends of these fingers can relieve eye strain in a few minutes.  To stop watering eyes, massage the webs between these fingers.




Consume the following:



Cataracts are a loss of transparency of the crystalline lens of the eye.  In the most common form, vision becomes blurry, like a frosted glass window, and there is profuse tearing and irritation. 


It has several forms, but in general, the lens is hardened and is a deep brown, green, gray or milky. In some cases, it only affects part of the eye.


Using 15 mg of B-2 (tablet form) daily and nothing else, cures almost 100% of the reported cases for Cataracts. These results were reported by Dr. Sydenstricker of the University of Georgia.


Foods containing vitamin B-2:



The lack of vitamin C and Calcium are often associated with Cataracts.  Others advise the use of vitamins A, D, E, dessicated liver, sunflower seed meal, organex, and protein, in addition to vitamin C and B-2 for Cataracts.  This combination also helped with mental and physical health.


In Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monthly (volume 31), a doctor says that his method of preventing or correcting cataracts is to give his patients a special diet which includes the tops of vegetables with a pint of milk and two eggs daily, with vitamins C and A and chlorophyll tablets. 


Foods rich in calcium (all contain roughly 200mg. per serving) include:




Corneal Ulcers


Corneal Ulcers are relieved by using 1500mg. of vitamin C according to The British Medical Journal, November 18, 1950.





It is extremely important not to attempt to treat glaucoma yourself by dietary measures, without your doctor’s approval. This disease has several forms and needs to be treated precisely.  Glaucoma patients who self-treat run the risk of blindness. Glaucoma can literally wipe out your vision overnight.  


To help reduce the pressure of the eye that causes Glaucoma symptoms, one woman used 2,000 to 3,000 mg. of vitamin C with rose hips plus 150 mg. of Rutin twice a day for three months. The pressure in her eyes returned to normal.  Others report the same results.


Eating three carrots a day boiled in about a quart of water.  Drink all of the water and use no seasoning.


Take 3 tablespoons of raw liquid lecithin daily. It cleans out the bloodstream and can help to greatly improve eye sight.


Cut out coffee and take Vitamins A, B, C, E, and bone meal.  Vitamin C lowers eye pressure. 



Macular degeneration


A low fat diet helps control Macular degeneration, which deprives the individual of a the ability to see straight ahead.  In most cases, it's due to a blockage or leak in the tiny blood vessels which interlace the macula, a round light-sensitive spot at the center of the retina. 


Night Blindness


Eat Spinach.



Seeing Spots


Floaters can be relieved with B vitamins.  If you should ever experience dark black spots, you should have it checked out, it could be something serious.





Foods that help near and far sightedness:


Vitamin A is essential to good vision.  A mild deficiency makes it difficult to see at night.  A more severe form results in headaches from bright light.  Burning, itching and gritty sensation under the eyelids may develop.  In advanced stages, pus and ulcers may form and you may see dark spots called scotomata. To remedy this, eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A, like:


Other foods good for vision include:






Puffy Eyes


For puffy allergy eyes, place a cucumber slice on each eye for a couple of minutes.  The cucumber slices cause blood vessels to constrict, which could help to reduce the puffiness.



Vision Development in Infants


Feed your baby fish, and flaxseeds
